Background Music that works for your Cafes

The leading Background Music Provider for your business in GCC

100 million songs licensed for coffee shops

The most music for the best playlists. Create your own or pick from 1,000+.

10%+ potential sales increase

Read how businesses like yours used Soundtrack to blow past targets.

Scheduling and other business features

So you can focus on running the café, not managing the music.

Your Customers care about the music. So should you.


notice the background music in coffee shops


think it’s important for a café to play music they like


stay longer in a business when they like the music

Our Sample Playlist

Music makes the first impression. Then the benefits really come.

Bring customers in

A couple walking down the street hear music drifting out from your café. It strikes a chord and makes them glance inside. The music fits what they see. They decide that your coffee shop is worth a visit.

Keep them around

As the pair walks to the counter to order, they see different types of people who somehow all seem to belong. The music adds to the welcoming, relaxing, and unique environment. They planned to grab coffee and quickly be on their way, but hearing the music makes them pause long enough to see the pastries in the display, and take it all in.

...and coming back

The man tells his partner that he likes the song. Within seconds, your barista has emailed it to him. And that’s when the couple decide to be regulars.

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